The Big G

I wouldn’t say I’m a religious kinda gal. To be quite honest religion fascinates me but I don’t quite know what to believe. I don’t reject the existence of God outright but I try to take everything that religious organisations with a pinch of salt.

I am glad that religion is a source of comfort for other people. It’s hard to tackle some of the curve balls life throws as us, and I say we need to find solace wherever we can to get through it.

However, I also think that religion can be a tremendously dangerous thing, especially for those that are the most vulnerable and in need of help. OK, maybe not religion per se, but the bastardized forms of religion promoted by it’s practitioners.

Religion shouldn’t be followed out of fear. Fear of the unknown after death I guess can drive people towards God. I’ve never understood this term God-fearing. Surely, if God is on my side why should I fear him/her/it?

So for now till I figure out what I believe. Let me try and live by my own standards. Standards that I can justify. Sure, I’ll make some mistakes along the way, and people are bound to get hurt (but lets try to keep that to a minimum).

At the end of the day, to me it doesn’t matter what the whole world and his Dog have to say. It’s me who has to live with my decisions. Religion can play a role in guiding us. But so often it becomes about judgment. Judgement by a religious congregation in the name of God.

We are often our own harshest critics. We really don’t need a bunch of religious bigots (who I guarantee have their fair share of ghosts in the closet) looking down their noses at us and using religious quotes to justify their judgement of others.

Maybe one day, I’ll figure out if God exists or not. Perhaps I’ll get my lightbulb moment.

Till then…